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Renovations at West Perry High School are Building Their Way into Everyone’s Minds

Madison Weary

Renovations have began to take place in West Perry High School. I met with Mr. Rahn, the High School’s principal, and asked him what the overall ideas for the renovation are. He responded by saying “Well, the bulk of the project is gonna be adding air condition for the building, so temperature control, heating, ventilation, renovations to the library, cafeteria, ag room, family consumer science, 3 science rooms, and the office, nurse, and  counselor gets new suites.”


This is a pretty timely project, so out of curiosity, I asked Mr. Rahn just how long these renovations would take. e answered “The goal is to have everything done by the opening of school for the 19-20 school year”. From other information I have gathered, they are beginning with the non-interruptive aspects, such as painting, so that students have a safe school environment and the renovations do not cause any interruptions. On the thought of painting, I asked what company would be handling all this busy work. The company that will take charge in doing these renovations would be McClure, and then they will later hire whoever they need to perform certain tasks.


Talking to Mr. Rahn, I asked him “What is your overall goal to come from these renovations?” He responded by saying “Well, a goal would be just to have an adequate learning space, like, right now, when you don't have air conditioning control, plumbing issues, it’s just not a suitable and comfortable learning space.” Along with this, I had asked him what the top priorities were, and he responded by saying “ The top priorities for this whole project are mainly infostructure, such as air conditioning, plumbing issues, sewage, water systems, and electric.”


As the meeting drew to an end, I asked a final question: whether there was specific time limits or not. He had answered by saying “Really, it’s two phases. Before the end of school and the Summer, so, for me, it’s about not interrupting school, but during the Summer, it’s up to McClure, but my ultimate goal is to have it completed by the end of the summer.”


Will these renovations be done in time? Will all the plans go as smoothly as thought? Only time will tell.

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